How do you prepare kids to leave the nest?
It's graduation season, which has me thinking of all the ways our kids grow over the years. They're born, then just a few years later they are in kindergarten. In just a blink of the eye they get a locker in middle school. Then high school is over. The world awaits... Where does the time go? How do we prepare kids to leave the nest?
Life Skills
Over the years I have spent a lot of time reflecting about at all the life skills my kids have learned and what they need to learn to be successful, independent, healthy and happy.
One important thing to master is personal safety. I talked extensively about teens and alcohol in a previous post. Please take the time to review it and discuss it with your teens.
I have never really thought that school is about learning the actual subjects. It's more about learning how to learn. How to organize. How to be responsible. I have always told my kids I don't care what grade they get as long as they learn what they need to and do their best.
Home life is also a process of learning. We need to teach our kids how to live healthily and respectfully with others. Kids can learn to take care of themselves more and more each year. We need to teach them to be responsible with money. Ideally they will learn to argue a point without losing control of their emotions or being hurtful.
In all of this reflection, I came up with a list that I have shared with my kids, and I invite you to share it with yours.
Skills needed to leave home successfully:
Good hygiene habits
Brush teeth twice daily. Floss once a day.
Shower or bathe daily. Wash hair as needed for oil control.
Wash hands often.
Shave as needed.
Brush hair at least daily and get a hair cut regularly.
Clip and groom nails regularly, both fingers and toes.
Use personal hygiene products correctly, including deodorant, facial acne cleansers, etc.
Wear clean clothes and change underclothing daily.
Healthy habits
Get adequate sleep to wake fresh and ready for the day. Set an alarm and get up on your own.
Eat healthy foods and limit junk food and sodas.
Be able to prepare simple healthy meals.
Take vitamin D daily.
Understand common over the counter medicine indications and how to use them appropriately.
Understand why you are taking medications (if you are), how to take them, and what is needed to get more. This depends in part if it's over the counter or a prescription medicine.
Know your medical history, including any allergies and chronic health care problems.
Learn how to obtain your vaccine record.
Know how to take care of common injuries until they are healed.
Exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week.
healthy strategies to handle stress
Prayer or meditation
Sketch or other artwork
Talk to someone openly—don’t hold bad feelings in!
Take a long bath
Think before speaking
Deep breathing
Schedule down time
Think about the problem from different points of view
Break big projects into small parts to be able to complete in parts
List the good things going on and be positive
Avoid over scheduling
Learn to say "no"
Enjoy social interactions as well as alone time.
Exercise the brain by doing puzzles or reading.
Try mindfulness apps
know how to...
Cook a healthy, balanced meal.
Grocery shop on a budget to incorporate nutritional balance.
Properly clean dishes and tidy up the kitchen after eating.
Balance a check book, make a budget, and pay bills on time.
Do easy repairs around the house.
Understand health insurance plans - how to get them, what they cover, what is excluded.
Manage the basics of money investment, retirement planning, savings.
Handle a road side emergency.
Find important numbers (doctor, dentist, insurance, etc).
Do laundry.
Clean a bathroom, use a vacuum, and dust.
Sew basic clothing repairs (buttons, hems, etc).
Get help when needed.
Apply for a job and build a resume.
Choose words carefully: they can build someone up or crush someone down.
Be a good friend and responsible family member
Be clear with plans: Look at the family calendar when making plans. Get permission from all parents involved; let family know where you will be and when you will be home.
Keep a phone available to be able to call when needed. Answer calls/texts from parents and others in an appropriate amount of time!
Treat everyone with respect: family, teachers, friends, and strangers.
Require that others treat you with respect.
Do random acts of kindness occasionally.
Volunteer regularly.
If you feel unsafe, leave the situation. Tell a trusted adult as soon as possible.
Do only things you and your parents will be proud of.
Things to do to show you are getting ready to leave the nest...
Complete assigned homework and chores without reminders or nagging.
Keep your room picked up and clothes off the floor.
Hang your towel to allow it to dry between uses.
Clear dishes from the table.
Clean up after projects or play. Return all things to their proper place after using them.
Throw all trash in the trashcan. Recycle things that are recyclable.
Responsible use of cell phone, computer, and other electronics. Turn off before bedtime to allow uninterrupted sleep.
Spend and save money responsibly. Never spend more than you can afford. Use credit cards wisely.
Take pride in your work: schoolwork, chores, job, and helping others. Do it to the best of your ability and ask nicely for help as needed. Recognize that work is not always fun, but necessary. Doing tasks with a good attitude will help.
Time organization skills: Do not procrastinate until the last minute. Plan ahead and do big projects in small steps. Be prepared with all materials you will need for a project and ask in advance if you need help acquiring items. Use tools (apps, calendar, checklists).
Take care of your things. Keep them in proper working order, clean, and put away.
Drive responsibly.
Accept consequences with grace.
Earn trust.
Know when to trust and follow others and when to take your own path. Make independent decisions based on your own morals. Have the courage to say "no" if something goes against your beliefs.
A final thought
As a mom of a college freshman on a campus where they don't allow freshmen to have cars, we found that having his own Amazon Student Prime membership helped. We started the year with him asking me to order things, but it was easier if he could do it himself.
Of course be sure your student won't abuse the privilege if you're footing the bill, but if they need something and don't have the ability to shop locally, this is a game changer! And it would make a great graduation gift.
Prepare kids to leave the nest
Don't be intimidated by this list! Many of the ideas are things they should be learning along the way.
During the school years teachers increase expectations each year. You can do the same... start with baby steps and then really buckle down in high school to be sure they're ready!
Sometimes they surprise you.
How do you prepare kids to leave the nest?